Ivor James Wisdom Teachings:

The complete Lecture, Meditation and Music list


1.00 The Plan and the Path / The Constitution of Man.

0000A fascinating lecture which tells of the Plan for the evolution of Mankind, and describes the seven principles and planes of existence.

2.00 The Aura / Thought Dynamics.
0000About the seven different Aurae and the meanings of the colours.
0000Thought forms;
0000Absent healing.

3.00 Reincarnation and Karma.
0000Explains how and why the Ego reincarnates.
0000The great law of cause and effect and the cycles of rebirth.

4.00 The Astral World.
0000Describes the seven planes of the afterlife;
0000Explains Purgatory, Kama Loka and Deva Chan.

5.00 Meditation / Healing.
0000Describes the seven planes of the afterlife;
0000How to concentrate;
0000The four stages of meditation;
0000Attunement to the higher self.
0000What healing is – and what it isn’t !
0000Different methods of healing explained.

6.00 Dharma - A Study in Ethics.
0000A study of ethics – social and religious – in relation to the Wisdom Teachings;
0000Revelation, Intuition and Utilitarianism.
0000A fascinating lecture for thinking people.

7.00 Breathing and Relaxation.
0000The art of correct breathing with appropriate exercises.
0000How to relax and become calmer;
0000Sleeping better;
0000The Yoga complete breath.

8. 00Health and Harmony.
0000Right eating, Right thinking, Right living;
0000How your body works and how to care for it.
0000A valuable lecture in these stressful days.

9. 00The Chakras / Spiritual Philosophy Pt. 1.
0000A simplified explanation of the seven esoteric force centres – how they work, and why;
0000Their relationship to Man’s evolution and the Soul’s progress.
0000Some of the teachings ascribed to Jesus examined in the light of the Wisdom Teachings.

10. 0The Power of Mind.
0000How to discover and release the incredible power of mind;
0000Mastering emotions and overcoming fear;
0000Expanding the consciousness.

11. 0Teachings of the Masters.
0000The Masters of Wisdom – the Elder Brothers of Humanity;
0000How we can co-operate with them in the shaping of a better world;
0000The Lord of the World;
0000The second coming of the Christ.

12. 0Pathways to Realisation.
0000An explanation of some of the different Yoga philosophies;
0000Shows how they compare with Western religious teachings.

13. 0The Devas / Spiritual Philosophy Pt. 2.
0000The world of Nature Spirits;
0000The mighty Devas; elves, fairies and gnomes, etc..
0000Spiritual Philosophy continued.

14. 0Mediumship.
0000A detailed look at all the different kinds of mediumship and the laws governing their operation.
0000A useful lecture for groups and circles.

15. 0Vibrations.
0000A simplified explanation of this much-abused term;
0000An easy-to-understand guide to the relationship of physics to psychics.

16. 0Astral Projection.
0000The dangers and the safeguards;
0000Methods of conscious projection;
0000The problems of thought-forms and Astral forces.

17. 0The Keys to the Kingdom Pt. 1.

0000The development of all the positive aspects of spiritual awareness leading to self-control and enlightenment.

18. 0Self-Healing and Control of Pain.

0000A method of self-help for those who suffer from painful ailments or psychosomatic illnesses, and who are prepared to do something about it.

19. 0The Keys to the Kingdom Pt. 2.
0000Following on from Part 1, this deals with the personality and the development of personal magnetism;
0000How to make things happen.

20. 0The Lamas of Tibet / Spiritual Philosophy Pt. 3.

0000An interesting look at these “mysterious” people, with live recordings of chants, prayers and special ceremonials in some Nepalese monasteries.
0000Spiritual Philosophy concluded.

21. 0Life After Death.

0000A lecture for those who are seeking assurance of survival in the after-death state.
0000Summarizes most of what was said and written by many communicators at different times.

22. 0Developing Clairvoyance / More About Healing.
0000A common-sense approach to the development of the psychic faculties.
0000Followed by an explanation of some of the alternative healing methods of today:
000111Acupuncture; Acupressure;
000111Zone therapy (reflexology);
000111Metaphysical healing.

23. 0Advanced Yoga Philosophy.
0000The higher self as ruler of the lower planes;
0000Overcoming desire;
0000Altruism, unconditional love and happiness.
0000A lecture for the most earnest student of Spiritual Philosophy.

24. 0The Web of Destiny.
0000Tells of the way in which we have been, and are, shaping our lives and our future;
0000Personal responsibility.
0000This lecture touches on many of the points raised in other lectures in the series.

25. 0Thine is the Power.
0000For those who are interested in development of the higher awareness and are ready to discard old restricting ideas.
0000Possibly the best philosophy lecture in the series.

26. 0Understanding in the New Age.
0000Some outspoken ideas about this “New Age” we've experienced over the last 50 years;
0000Underlines the part that we must play to realize the full potential of the next 2000 years.

27. 0The Philosophy of White Moon.
0000A “Questions and Answers” encounter with an advanced teacher who has been friend and guide to Ivor for many years;
0000A number of interesting points are discussed in this lecture, which was edited from a live recording.